Birding in The Bahamas

Birding in the Bahamas offers a unique opportunity to observe a rich diversity of Caribbean bird species, including both endemic and migratory species. With a chain of islands spanning over 760 miles, The Bahamas is the northern most country that you can experience unique species of the Antilles and each island's biodiversity is unique in its own way. Over 300+ bird species have been recorded in The Bahamas, with notable endemics like the Inagua Lyretail hummingbird, the Bahama Yellowthroat, the Bahama Warbler, the Bahama Swallow and the Bahama Oriole. These islands also serve as an important stopover for migratory birds traveling along the Atlantic Flyway. The Bahamas’ varied habitats, including pine forests, mangroves, wetlands, and cays, support species shared with the greater Caribbean, emphasizing its ecological connection to the region.

Bahama Woodstar, endemic Bahamas birds, bird watching tours bahamas
Bahama Woodstar, endemic Bahamas birds, bird watching tours bahamas

Bahamas Endemics & Specialties

Endemics can only be found on certain islands of The Bahamas. These are the endemics of The Bahamas and some highlight specialty species found on a few islands of The Bahamas.

Bahamas Endemics

Bahama Swallow - Abaco, Grand Bahama, Andros, New Providence (very-rare)

Bahama Oriole - Andros

Inagua Lyretail/Woodstar - Great Inagua

Bahama Warbler - Abaco, Grand Bahama

Bahama Yellowthroat - Abaco, Grand Bahama, Eleuthera

Bahama Nuthatch (Not seen since 2018) - Grand Bahama

Specialties/Regional Endemics

Bahama Woodstar - Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama, New Providence, Great Inagua

Bahama Mockingbird - Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama, New Providence, Great Inagua

Great Lizard Cuckoo - Andros, Eleuthera

Cuban Emerald - Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama

Olive-capped Warbler - Abaco, Grand Bahama

Bahama Parrot - Abaco, Great Inagua

Caribbean Flamingo - Great Inagua, Andros

West Indian Whistling Duck

West Indian Woodpecker - Abaco, Grand Bahama

New Providence Natives & Specialties

With tours primarily based on New Providence and Paradise Island here are some native and specialty birds that you can expect depending on the time of year.

RE - Regional Endemic | IN - Introduced | S - Summer | W - Winter | Year-round

Bahama Woodstar - RE , Year-round

Bahama Mockingbird - RE , Year-round

Cuban Pewee - RE , Year-round

La Sagra's Flycatcher - RE , Year-round

Loggerhead Kingbird - RE , Year-round

Gray Kingbird - S

Thick Billed Vireo - RE , Year-round

Black Whiskered Vireo - S

Cuban Amazon Parrot (Bahama) - RE , Year-round

Northern Red Legged Thrush - RE, Year-round

Caribbean Dove - RE , IN , Year-round

Common Ground Dove - Year-round

White Crowned Pigeon - Year-round

Greater Antillean Bullfinch - RE , Year-round

Pine Warbler - Year-round

Bananaquit - Year-round

Cuban Grassquit - RE , IN , Year-round

Black Faced Grassquit - Year-round

Western Spindalis (Bahamas Black-backed)- RE , Year-round

Mangrove Cuckoo - Year-round

Smooth Billed Ani - Year-round

Pied Imperial Pigeon - IN , Year-round

Antillean Nighthawk - S

White Cheeked Pintail (Bahama Pintail) - Year-round

Neo-tropic Cormorant - Year-round

Least Grebe - Year-round

Hairy Woodpecker - Year-round